Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A cute love story ...

I never believed in love stories, so bollywood movies were definitely not my taste. Arrange marriages never made sense to me, however love onces did made some, for a very obvious reason you at least know the person well enough to decide to spend your entire life with her.

Being single means freedom, carelessness, and so i made up my mind, never will i ever fall for anyone.

Other reason why i kept myself distant from the love bug - i felt its more of satiating your hormones, more of a duty, than it has anything to do with heart.

So there was I, just like most of you, living in my own world.

This incident happened a long time ago, then why have i decided to write about it now ???

Well i never had a thought about penning it down till just a few hours ago, and now i am going all crazy to finish this off, and share it with everyone.

This is a real incident, 100% true, i might have forgotten all the details but still, will attempt to be as close as possible to the one told to me. Names used are also fictitious.

I was on my regular Bangalore-Mumbai train journey, which is generally boring and uneventful.
I had upper berth, below mine there was this cute Gujrati couple - husband, wife and their cute little naughty daughter must have been 3-4 years then.
Gujratis are arguably the most friendly people, just strike a conversation with them, and they'll open up in no time, chatting with you just like a long lost friend.
I was playing with the little girl, her dad was trying to teach her something, but she wasn't interested.

There was something striking about this couple, i mean generally what i have seen, a married couple, after 5-6 years of marriage, they don't have the charm left in their relation, but here was this couple, they both were talking continuously with each other, the guy helping her with food and all, in short i was able to notice the affection still alive.

After talking with them for a couple of hours, the guy said, they are heading for a marriage somewhere in Gujrat, he couldn't get the direct train, so now they are travelling via Mumbai.
He told me, their marriage is 8 year old !!! and was literally called of, but somehow it went through, and now they're together.
Here's his version:

Previously we were living in Nagpur, there my family has our own business. We're into carpentering business. My marriage was fixed with Rani,
it was an arrange marriage.
But just 1 week before my marriage, Rani was doing something on 4th floor of their building, and suddenly, the stool on which she was standing tilted.
  -- She slipped from it, and fell from the 4th floor on her back.
Didn't damage her skull, but below her neck, many of her bones were fractured.
A completely shattered backbone, her chances of survival where very slim.
They rushed to the doctor, but he said, treatment cost would be very high, moreover chances of survival is very slim.
My father in law said, she had this in her fate, it's better if you move on and cancel the marriage.
I asked my FIL, had this incident happened after marriage, would he recommend the same ?
He went blank, i said my marriage is fixed with Rani, i have decided to spend my life with her, now no matter what happens, i am not going to loose her like this.
He asked the docs to go ahead, and start the treatment.
To his luck, a very senior spine specialist was visiting the Nagpur city for some ceremony. The moment he figured the news, he rushed to him.
Pleaded, told him his entire story, and asked for help.
The doctor decided to help.
An operation was scheduled.(i don't remember how many hours it went)
I used to visit her daily, when she was in hospital.
Helped her to walk again.
It took more than a year for her to recover.
Our marriage was conducted with hardly any glitz what it had at first instance.
My family accepted her readily, we were very happy.
But due to her medicines, she was not keeping very good health.
Doctors said, she needs to stay in some cooler place, so i decided to move down to Bangalore, here my cousin has his own business.
I joined with him, but now i have my own.

I was stunned, it sounded filmy, but then why would this guy bluff and make a story when i am a total stranger and have absolutely no business with him. I might in fact never even see him again.
I had to believe his story. And their chemistry, it manifested how much they cherished each others company, not just the guy, but the lady too.

Our journey came to and end, we all got down at Dadar, i bid  them a good bye, have to confess they left an impression on me.
After meeting them i wonder why is it that couples treat each other more as a burden rather than complementing and completing each other.
Why don't they cherish the same affection which they had when their relation was new.
People might argue, as relation gets old, people loose the interest, but if that is so, then why does a mother don't stop loving her kids after they get old ???
Why do people cling to their belongings even when they get old.
Why hobbies continue right from childhood to old age.
Many questions no answers, but one thing is for sure, they forced me to change the way i see.


  1. Short - sweet and yet convincing writing Ashu:)

  2. Way to go buoy... Can't comment on the truthfulness of the story, but yes Ur narration is well versed... 3 claps for u... :)

  3. Ashuuuu..was great reading up your article...It was like I was talking to you like old times...:)

    1. :)
      and same here mina, i am terribly missing the time we all spend together

  4. Ashuuuu..was great reading up your article...It was like I was talking to you like old times...:)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Well written Ashu.. Imagined the story as u have described vividly. :) Very nice
