Tuesday, July 5, 2016

My Bungee Jump - My Moment of Freedom

Landed up in Rishikesh at around 7am, armed with my to-do list of things in this holy city, and most of the information obtained from Internet i started planning to get started. But cheez, the list begins with the dreaded Bungee jump, which also happens to be the tallest in India :0
A friend told me that, he had in the past tried twice, but couldn't get through, because of over-booking. So i called them up at 7:30am, and asked them to book a seat for me, their office would open up at 8AM.
Had a cold coffee, don't know why, but it was ridiculously hot and humid in Rishikesh. Way more than Mumbai I'd say.
On reaching office, i made some enquiry regarding the Jump, safety, and most important, what if i don't jump. A lady in their office told, its all non-refundable if you get onto the platform, however if you just see and decide not to do, then you can have you're money back.
Till that time, i hadn't thought about quitting, so i made the payment, and waited for their 9AM shuttle to the site.
With some Nervousness i boarded the Bus. We reached the site in some time.
Got all the formalities done, as in signed the document, that i am solely responsible for this stupid act, and I didn't listen to people who tried putting some sense into me, before going in for this free fall jump from 83 Meters height.
He wrote the color code of the bungee cord on my left hand based upon my weight.
Waited for few other folks to finish there, and there on we started to go towards the jump location.
Hold on, Hold on, lets just go a little slow from here on, you know like each and every information or thought i had in minute details, so that you can have the feeling i had over there :)
After a 5 mins walk, we reached the cantilever bridge, and guess what our's is the first batch of brave hearts going for the jump, Bingo :)
So how am i feeling ??, well Blank to be Honest.
Now, they have different weight category, i.e. they use different bungee cords for people having weight in different range.  So the first one to be used is 60-80kgs, and i belong to that range.
He wrote the jump number on my right hand, which is 3, that means I'd jump at number 3.
Now its my turn to go to the platform.
We walked to the platform. The crew asked me to Sit, and he fastened all the necessary belts on me.
They make you practice the lean act that you're supposed to do during the jump.
One is free you're hand, and just lean out, and the other is hold you're belts near chest, and lean out. I liked the free you're hand and leaning out one.

Matthew: The platform is so silent today, play some music.

And they started playing some English music, which at best was irritating me at that moment.

Crew1: How are you feeling Ashutosh ?
Me: I am nervous
Crew 1: Hey no need to be nervous, it happens with everyone since its you're first jump
Me: Is this Safe ??
Crew 1: Absolutely buddy, i myself have done this more than a 100 times.

Now Matthew calls me over to the platform for the jump.

Matthew: Whats you're name buddy
Me: Ashutosh
Matthew: And how are you feeling today Ashutosh ?
Me: Well I am very nervous
Matthew: Oh yes it happens, but trust me there is nothing to be nervous about

He checks all my cables and belts, asks me to put my spectacles in a case which he gave me.

Matthew: Please move you're toe ahead
Me: No No No No ..........
Matthew: Ashutosh Ashutosh its perfectly fine, just spread you're hands
Me: No i don't want to jump, its too high, and there is no water down there
Matthew: Its perfectly safe Ashutosh, you don't really have to worry, just don't look down
Me: I am trembling Matthew, I don't want to do this (Fuck the Money, I can't put myself for this its what i thought)
Matthew: Ashutosh, look at the yellow board over there, do not look down.
Me: I can't see it without my glasses
Matthew: Ok, then look straight but not down. Just remember when you had put you're hard earned money on the table for doing this dare act, you really wanted to do this.

I thought of asking him for some water, but then decided against it.
I moved my toe a few mm ahead

Me: I am scared Matthew, i don't want to do this.
Matthew: The more time you give to yourself, the more negative thought stops
                 you from doing it. Looking at you i can say, you're heart wants to
                 take the jump, but you're mind is stopping you.
Me: Ok, can you give me a push
Matthew: No Ashutosh, this is you're leap of faith moment, you're freedom,
                have the trust, and make the jump, i really cannot push you.
                No, don't bend you're knees, just lean out.
Me: Ok, start the countdown
Matthew:One, Two, Three, Bungee !!!!
And I Jumped !!!
I was airborne after it.
I didn't close my eyes. It hardly takes 1 or 2 seconds for you to feel the pull by the cord.
Once you get the pull, all the fear vanishes away.
Haaaaaaaaaaaaa............ I am not going to Die, it's working !!!!!, WoooooooooHooooooooooooo..............

I just did my first Bungee, yahoooooooooooo...............!!!!!!!!!!!!

The crew at the ground offered me a pole to hold, so that they can control my swinging.
They gave me a bottle of water, and damn i was so thirsty, i drank it all.

I walked from there to the office. It was crazy hot.
Collected my baggage, collected the Video from their office, and Sat for some time, as my return bus would start after 30mins.
Asked one the employee to click a picture of mine with the certificate.

I was feeling so pumped up, damn i did this suicide act.

I sat in the bus, and doozed off.

So what was the most difficult part in it, well definitely it has to be leaning out. Rest everything is manageable.

Now if anyone says oh i wasn't scared at all, its just a simple Jump, is lying.
Only people who aren't scared are the one's whose job is to do this.
It's not some everyday act, so please be brave to accept, yes you were scared.

Did i win over fear or anything like that, Naah, at that moment I just jumped. I don't really know if I will do this act comfortably next time. But yes, next time, I will do it AGAIN !!!!

So this is it from my end, Happy Bungee people, it's one heck of an experience worth having.
Here's My Bungee Video

1 comment:

  1. What a description!!! I felt as if I was doing it !!! and the thot gave me jitters.....
